Invisible Elements | Game Development

TASK | With a team, create a card game from scratch by taking setting five initial rules that each team member has brought to the project without previously disclosing them. Creating 5 unrelated paths that have to be followed in order to create a successful final product/card game that a user/player has no pre-conceptions of.

PROCESS | After revealing the initial set of rules, we had to brainstorm through the various concepts that had to be taken into consideration and figure out what sort of game we can create out of them while also adding further steps, processes and design ideas into the game. After each step, we used focus groups and had practice trials that produced valuable feedback for the development of the card game!

OUTCOME | In light of the subject nature of the game “earthy elements”, our prototype of the game was made out of recycled material and mimics faded scribbles. Apart from the card themselves, we also created and designed the flyer for the game rules and I wrote a UX report of the card game and process, all attached below!